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Published Papers


Physics - Classical / Quantum / Superconductivity / Particle

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Scientific Journal

IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Name of Scholar

Srihaun Pujari


Electron Spin Resonance

About the Scholar

Srihaun is a student at Centennial High School, United States of America. This paper was prepared by Srihaun as a part of his course work for LS190 - Introduction to College Level Research course at Allegheny College during summer 2023.

Name of Mentor

Prof. Doros Petasis

B.S., Indiana University; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

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Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) or Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) is employed to study systems with unpaired electrons, such as free radicals and transition metal ions. EPR provides valuable information about the structure and interactions of paramagnetic species within the system. In this study, EPR spectra of DPPH and MnCl2/H2O were analyzed to determine the paramagnetic species present. The g-factor, calculated as 0.71449 v(GHz)/B(kG), plays a crucial role in characterizing the samples. The investigation revealed multiple EPR peaks in MnCl2/H2O, suggesting the presence of diverse paramagnetic centers. However, the calculated average g value deviated significantly from the expected value, indicating a potential miscalculation of magnetic field values during the sweep range analysis. To ensure accuracy, the researchers recommended reevaluating the calculations and methodology. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of paramagnetism and its potential applications in various scientific fields. Further research into MnCl2/H2O's properties holds promising prospects for un-king new insights into paramagnetic phenomena.

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