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Published Papers


Business Studies - Market Research / Industry Research / International Business / FMCG / Consumer Goods

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Scientific Journal

IJSRC - International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern

Name of Scholar

Arin Modi


Marketing Strategies of FMCG companies in India: A Comparative Study

About the Scholar

Arin is a student at Doon School Dehradun, India.

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Guided Research

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This research paper delves into the marketing strategies of different FMCG companies in India and explores how these strategies have led to their success in the competitive Indian FMCG market. Using the traditional marketing mix (4 Ps) as a framework, the paper analyzes how FMCG companies in India use product, price, place, and promotion to create and deliver value to their customers. The research also focuses on how these companies are using brand building, digital marketing, product placement, in-store promotions, influencer marketing, and a strong focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility as key elements in their marketing strategy. The paper analyzes case studies of successful FMCG companies in India, namely Patanjali, Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), and ITC Limited, to better understand their marketing strategies and the factors that have led to their success. By examining these companies, the paper illustrates how FMCG companies in India use various marketing strategiesto reach and appeal to their target audiences. Additionally, the paper also discusses the effectiveness of different marketing strategies and how they vary depending on factors such as target audience, budget, market trends, and competition.

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Biology - Genetics / Health Studies / Microbiology / Environmental Science

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Scientific Journal

IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Name of Scholar

Sahana Ballabh


Microplastics in PNW, Bivalves, and the Impact on Oceanic Ecosystems and Human Health

About the Scholar

Sahana is a student at Eastlake High School, Sammamish, Washington, US

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The presence of microplastics (MPS) in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) ecosystem has emerged as a pressing environmental concern, affecting both the local ecosystem and human health. Bivalves, integral members of the local ecosystem, are vulnerable to ingesting microplastics, which bioaccumulate in their tissues, leading to adverse health effects and contributing to biomagnification in the food chain, endangering keystone species and ecosystem stability. The unintentional ingestion of microplastics through seafood consumption raises significant health concerns for humans. These threats are a huge cause for alarm as they have the potential to irreparably damage our enviornment and health, and we should address these issues before they become a reality of the world.

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Biology - Genetics / Health Studies / Microbiology / Environmental Science

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Scientific Journal

IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Name of Scholar

Janya Gehlot



About the Scholar

Janya is a student at Bodhi International School, Jodhpur, India.

Name of Mentor

Prof. Caryl Waggett

B.A., Brown University; Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley

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Beta-thalassemia is a group of hereditary blood disorders caused by mutations in the beta-globin gene, leading to abnormal synthesis of beta chains of haemoglobin. This results in a wide range of clinical presentations, from severe anaemia to asymptomatic individuals. The annual incidence of symptomatic cases is estimated at 1 in 100,000 worldwide. It is an autosomal recessive condition, although dominant mutations are rare. Three main phenotypes include thalassemia major, thalassemia intermedia, and thalassemia minor. Thalassemia major typically presents in early childhood with severe anaemia, requiring regular blood transfusions. Prolonged transfusion therapy leads to iron overload-related complications affecting various organs and endocrine systems. Thalassemia intermedia appears later in life with moderate anaemia, often without the need for regular transfusions. Complications involve erythroid marrow hypertrophy, extramedullary haematopoiesis, and other health issues. Thalassemia minor is usually asymptomatic, though some individuals may have mild anaemia. Diagnosis relies on hematologic and molecular genetic testing, with genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis available. Treatment for thalassemia major includes transfusions, iron chelation, and addressing ironrelated complications. Bone marrow or stem cell transplantation is the only definitive cure. Thalassemia intermedia management may involve splenectomy, folic acid supplementation, and addressing complications. Emerging therapies like HbF inducers and gene therapy offer promising results

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Economics - Micro / Macro / Developmental / Behavioral

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Scientific Journal

IJSR - International Journal of Science and Research

Name of Scholar

Arin Modi

About the Scholar

Arin is a student at Doon School Dehradun, India.

Name of Mentor

Prof. Michael Michaelides

B.A., University of Essex; M.S., London School of Economics and Political Science; M.A., Virginia Tech; Ph.D., Virginia Tech

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In financial markets, the role of investor attention in shaping stock prices and returns has been recognized as a significant driver of market dynamics. This research investigates two relatively unknown market anomalies, the Neglected Stock Anomaly and the Reversal Anomaly, to provide insight on their implications for investors and market efficiency. The Neglected Stock Anomaly refers to undervalued stocks that receive little attention, perhaps leading to mispricing and prospects for above-average profits. The Reversal Anomaly, on the other hand, argues that stocks with poor short-term performance tend to have subsequent market declines, showing behavioural biases and opening up opportunities for contrarian tactics. This research adds to understanding market dynamics and providing insights for informed investment decision-making by investigating the connection between investor attention, market inefficiencies, and stock returns. Through empirical evidence and literature analysis, this study provides a comprehensive exploration of these anomalies, highlighting their connections and potential implications in various market conditions.

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Computer Science - AI / ML / Data Science / Quantum Computing / Coding & Simulation

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Scientific Journal

IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Name of Scholar

Arnav Jhamvar


Comparison of Different ML Models to Predict Football Match Results

About the Scholar

Arnav is a student at HDFC School Pune, India. This paper was prepared by Arnav as a part of her course work for LS190 - Introduction to College Level Research course at Allegheny College during summer 2022.

Name of Mentor

Prof. Janyl Jumadinova

B.S., Peru State College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Omaha

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In this research paper, three ML models have been compared and used to predict football match results. These models are from three different time frames, and a comprehensive review was done to decide which model was the best and gave the most accurate prediction.

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Computer Science - AI / ML / Data Science / Quantum Computing / Coding & Simulation

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Scientific Journal

IRJMETS - International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Name of Scholar

Dhruv Soni

About the Scholar

Dhruv is a student at R N Podar School Mumbai, India. This paper was prepared by Dhruv as a part of her course work for LS190 - Introduction to College Level Research course at Allegheny College during summer 2022.

Name of Mentor

Prof. Janyl Jumadinova

B.S., Peru State College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Omaha

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This study aimed to determine which type of Convulation Neural Network, Shallow or Residual, is better in the classification of 7 diseases. Both models were trained and validated using data from the same dataset. The purpose of this study was to do a comparative analysis between these models after training for 20, 50 and 100 epoch

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