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  • Writer's pictureNimisha Padliya

Undergraduate Studies and Scholarships in Canada

Want to study in Canada? Here is a list of scholarships you can consider while applying to Canadian Universities.

With advanced curriculum, state-of-the-art laboratories, distinguished professors, affordable tuition fees, and ample scholarship opportunities, ‘Canadian’ dream has gradually taken over the ‘American’ Dream among Indian students. Canada right now houses more than 100 globally-recognized universities; however, the first thing you need to do is contemplate, discuss, and answer – how much amount you (or your parents) are ready to spend on your undergraduate study?

Studying in a foreign country, whether it is UK, US, or Canada can be expensive unless you have received some scholarships, assistantship, or financial aid. We would highly recommend taking advantage of the time available between your college application and admission decision to work on finance opportunities for your studies. Students with exceptional academics, outstanding leadership experience, and significant extracurricular and community involvement stand a good chance of receiving  monetary rewards and fellowships.

Below are some scholarships, offered by Canadian Universities, you should consider before applying to the universities.

Scholarship Name



Scholarship Award


Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program by 

University of Toronto

Awarded to approximately 35 to 40 undergraduate applicants to recognize their extraordinary academic and leadership talent

International students in high school are eligible to become a Pearson Scholar. Student must be nominated by their School

Scholarship amount covers tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for a period of four years

School nomination: 30th Nov.

Student Admission: 14th Dec.

Application: 15th Jan

Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award (ILOT) by 

University of British Columbia (UBC)

Awarded to students with exceptional academics, extracurricular activities, and leadership qualities. Students with financial need should also apply

High School students who wish to pursue their undergraduate study from UBC can apply.

Scholarship amount is proportional to the financial need of the student. Covers tuitions, books, residence support based on the financial contribution made by the student and his/her family

1st Dec

Carleton University 

Entrance Scholarships for International Students

Partial scholarship is awarded every year to high school students with Admission Average (AA) of 80% and above.

Applicants with AA in the range 95% & above, 90-94.9%, 85-89.9% and 80-84.9% are awarded $4000, $3000, $2000 and $1000 each year, respectively, for four years.Annually renewable if the student maintains an annual GPA of 10.0

1st April every year

Global Leader of Tomorrow Scholarships and International Entrance Scholarships by 

York University

Offered to international students seeking admission in Arts, Media, Performance & Design; Environmental Studies; Education; Health; Lassonde School of Engineering; Liberal Arts & Professional Studies; Science; or the Schulich School of Business

The applicant must have an excellent academic record with a minimum “A” average or equivalent and demonstrated leadership through community service or excellence in the arts, sports, or other areas of individual achievement. Student must be nominated by their high school

Global Leader of Tomorrow Award: $20,000

International Entrance Scholarships: $35,000.

Renewable for 3 years, provided high academic standing is maintained in each academic year

1st February

University of Waterloo 

International Student Entrance Scholarship

Awarded every year to 20 outstanding international students admitted to Year One of an undergraduate degree program.

International students with admission average of 90% or above. Selection based on academic achievement combined with Faculty-specific entrance scholarship criteria.

Annual Scholarship of $10,000 each. Application is not required

March End every year

Queen’s University

Principal’s International Scholarship

5 entrance scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding students from India admitted to Year One of an undergraduate degree program

International students who meet the admission criteria will be automatically considered for this award

Annual Scholarship of $10,000 each. Renewable for 1 subsequent year provided a minimum 3.50 GPA is maintained in year 1

Same as application


International Secondary School Merit Scholarship

Awarded annually to 7 international students entering Canada on study permit.

International students who meet the admission criteria will be automatically considered for this award

Annual Scholarship of $10,000. A separate application is not required.

Same as application

List of scholarships you can consider while applying to Canadian Universities

Plan well in advance, explore all the possible funding options, and don’t let your ‘Canadian’ dream get curtailed due to monetary restrictions.

EZ Scholar is a premium admissions consultancy and test prep organization which works with bright and ambitious students seeking admissions to Ivy Leagues, Oxbridge and other top global universities. Our experts have mentored thousands of students with their profile building, research papers, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, test prep and admissions essays.

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