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  • Writer's pictureNimisha Padliya

How to Score 750+ on the Digital SAT English

"Ugh, the SAT English section is a nightmare! I just can't understand those complex texts, and the grammar questions always trip me up." Sound familiar? You're not alone. The Reading and Writing section on the Digital SAT throws a gauntlet of challenges at students: complex vocabulary, nuanced grammar rules, and tricky content domains like Craft & Structure and Information & Ideas. But fear not, aspiring test-taker! Here's your ultimate guide to conquering the Digital SAT English and achieving a score that unlocks doors to your dream college.

Building a Vocabulary Arsenal

Imagine waltzing through the test, effortlessly deciphering even the most obscure words! It may sound like a stuff of dreams, but you can make it into a reality. Building a robust vocabulary is the cornerstone of SAT English success. Here's how to make it happen:

  • Embrace Everyday Learning: Turn everyday activities into vocabulary builders. Underline unfamiliar words you encounter in news articles, conversations, or even song lyrics. Look up the definitions immediately and jot them down in a notebook along with the context in which you found the word. This will help you solidify the meaning in your memory. 

  • Flashcards are Your Friends: Create digital flashcards (using apps or websites) or the old-school paper kind. Focus on high-frequency SAT words and revise them regularly. There are many resources available online and in bookstores that compile lists of these words.

  • Context is King: Don't just memorize definitions in isolation. Include a sample sentence using the word on your flashcards. This will help you learn how words function within sentences and paragraphs.

Grammar and Punctuation: Mastering the Mechanics

Grammar and punctuation are the foundation of clear writing, and the SAT tests your ability to identify and correct errors. Hone your skills with these strategies:

  • Brush Up on the Basics: Revisit middle school grammar rules like subject-verb agreement, pronoun reference, parallel structure, modifier placement, verb tense, commas, colons, and semicolons. If you find yourself in need of concise and engaging grammar lessons, feel free to reach out to our team.

  •  Practice Makes Perfect: Complete practice problems from SAT prep books or online resources. Focus on areas you find challenging. Many prep resources categorize practice problems by grammar rule, allowing you to target your weaknesses. The EZ Scholar SAT portal allows students to attempt numerous SAT-like questions on these concepts. These tests also allow you to time yourself while completing practice problems to simulate the pressure of the actual test.

  • Analyze Model Answers: Understand why certain answer choices are grammatically correct while others are not. Don't just pick the answer that sounds right. Look for explanations that break down the grammar rules at play in each question. The tests on our SAT portal offer answer keys with detailed explanations.

Taming the Beasts: Craft & Structure and Information & Ideas

The Digital SAT throws curveballs with challenging content domains. Here's how to navigate them:

  • Craft & Structure: This section focuses on the author's techniques and how they shape the meaning of the passage. Learn to identify common literary devices like metaphors, similes, and symbolism, and understand how they contribute to the author's message. Analyze how sentence structure affects the flow and emphasis of the writing. Look for complex sentences that introduce new ideas and short, punchy sentences that convey urgency. Recognize the author's intent in writing the passage. Are they trying to persuade, inform, entertain, or something else?

  • Information & Ideas: This domain tests your comprehension and ability to analyze the author's argument. Practice identifying the central message of a passage. Don't get bogged down in details. Focus on the main point the author is trying to convey. Recognize how the author uses evidence to back up their claims. Look for examples, statistics, and expert opinions. Understand the author's perspective and how they build their argument. Identify potential counter-arguments and how the author might address them.

Mastering the Clock: Time Management Strategies

Time is precious on the SAT. Here's how to use it effectively:

  • Develop a Pacing Plan: Divide the allotted time for each text and question type based on the Digital SAT's English section format. Here's a suggestion: Allocate a specific amount of time for reading each text (say, 35-40 seconds) and answering the corresponding questions. Leave some buffer time for reviewing your answers at the end.

  • Prioritize: Focus on answering the easier questions first to keep yourself on track. Many questions on the SAT test your basic grammar and punctuation concepts or simple comprehension skills. Answer these confidently first and move on to the more challenging ones later.

  • Don't Get Bogged Down: If a question stumps you, flag it and move on. You can come back later if time permits. Getting stuck on one question can eat into valuable time you could spend on others.

Sharpen Your Skills with Sectional Tests and Mock Exams

Practice tests are your secret weapon. Here's how to leverage them effectively:

  • Take Timed Sectional Tests: Focus on practicing specific content domains or question types. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and tailor your studying accordingly.

  • Complete Full-Length Mock Exams: Simulate the actual test experience by taking full-length mock exams under realistic testing conditions. Ideally, find a quiet space with minimal distractions and set a timer to mimic the actual testing time.

  • Analyze Your Performance: Once you've completed a practice test, don't just look at the score. Review each question carefully, paying close attention to the ones you got wrong. Analyze why you missed them and identify areas where you need improvement.

Expert Review: Unlock Your Potential

Once you've completed practice tests, it's crucial to review your performance with expert professionals. Look for an SAT prep course that offers:

  • Detailed Score Reports: Get a comprehensive breakdown of your strengths and weaknesses in specific areas like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and problematic content domains.

  • Personalized Feedback: Don't settle for generic feedback. With EZ Scholar’s one-on-one sessions, you will receive valuable personalized feedback tailored to your individual needs and mistakes.

  • Effective Strategies: Learn test-taking techniques from experienced trainers who know exactly what works on the Digital SAT. These strategies can help you approach questions more efficiently and avoid common pitfalls.

Ready to Unlock Your Potential?

The path to a top score on the Digital SAT English can seem daunting, but with the right approach, you can achieve it! This blog article has equipped you with powerful strategies to build vocabulary, master grammar, conquer challenging content, manage time effectively, and leverage practice tests.

But wait, there's more! Here at EZ Scholar, we offer comprehensive SAT prep courses designed to help you achieve your dream score. Our expert trainers will guide you through every step of the process, providing personalized strategies, detailed feedback, and the support you need to excel on the SAT English section. Register for our classes today and take your first step towards your dream college admissions success!

EZ Scholar is a premium admissions consultancy and test prep organization which works with bright and ambitious students seeking admissions to Ivy Leagues, Oxbridge and other top global universities. Our experts have mentored thousands of students with their profile building, research papers, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, test prep and admissions essays.

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